Covers of Comfort



Adrienne Nater


Little girl, a joy to behold, Bright

Blue eyes, beneath the tented bed covers

The flashlight flickers in the dark room

Book open, pictures glitter, words live.

The handsome horse, dapple-gray, red hooves

Lives in this book; he whispers,


"Little girl, all alone, join a friend

Ride the carousel

Into the world of lights and shadows

Circular travels, the tethered body

The unfettered soul."


Beautiful horse, noble creature, wondrous friend

Speaking the coded language.

Black on white, squiggles and lines

Familiar sounds, loving messages.

Safely hidden from outside worlds.


Blond, graceful hands, dancer’s legs

Moving noiselessly toward the closed door: Mother

Hush, little girl, fear naught

Become immersed; be reassured


Life is a circular thing.